

Online Registration

Please click the button below and fill in a registration form for each participant. A participant could be a doctor or a representative of a distributor (industry ticket).

Step 1 – Please click the button below to visit the registration form
Step 2 – Select your company name from the dropdown menu
Step 3 – Select “Conference participation” and “Conference dinner”
Step 4 – Optionally book your hotel accommodation (more information below)
Step 5 – Fill in the other fields and click “Confirm

After the registration, a confirmation with an overview of the registration will be sent to the e-mail address of the distributor contact person. We will not send a confirmation to the participant’s email address.

Hotel Accommodation

You can optionally book hotel accommodation in Hotel NH Barbizon. The hotel in conveniently located at walking distance of the conference venue and Amsterdam’s central train station. We have negotiated the following group rates. 

Single Room – € 310 including breakfast and city tax 
Double Room – € 330 including breakfast and city tax 

An invoice for the total number of hotel rooms booked will be sent to each distributor a few weeks prior to the conference, via the conference secretariat Mediscon.

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